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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder marked by extremes of mood that cause emotional highs (called mania or hypomania) and depressive lows. Manic shifts are characterized by racing thoughts, poor decision making, increased energy, high irritability, etc. Depressive symptoms may display as sadness, hopelessness, constant fatigue, trouble concentering, loss of interest, etc. These shifts can occur over a few days to months. It is also possible that these shifts can occur with more frequency. Someone with bipolar disorder can also have periods of neutral mood. We all experience issues with mood at times, however, those with bipolar disorder have more intense moods that last longer than a few hours usually and are associated with extremes in behavior change, routines, and interactions with others. There is also a common genetic link with this disorder. Bipolar disorder is a life log condition; however, mood episodes can be managed effectively with medication and psychotherapy.

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