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Codependency is excessive behavioral and emotional reliance that affects a person’s ability to have healthy, mutually satisfying, relationships. It is sometimes referred to as “relationship addiction.” The relationship is often one sided and is often abusive or emotionally destructive. An individual in a codependent relationship often feels worthless unless they are needed by the other individual or are making serious sacrifices for that person. They have a tendency to be “fixers” which usually becomes unhealthy and defeating. The codependent individual must believe they are needed in order to have a sense of purpose. The other individual holds all the power in that their need get met at the expense of the codependent person. It is usually rooted in a person’s childhood and learned patterns of behavior. This type of behavior can be treated through psychoeducation, identifying self-defeating behavior patterns, delving into family dynamics and the feelings surrounding that, establishing boundaries, and implementing regular self-care.

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